Whether it’s with words, pixels or frames. The creative industry is a lot of fun and there are no two days the same. This also means that it can be a massive headache to plan and manage. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing sexy about Project Management, but there’s also nothing sexy about being burnt-out, stressed and ordering copious amounts of Uber Eats to ease the pain of a looming deadline.
Hassl is here to help and it will change your life. A big call, I know, but I’m going to stand by it. Don’t believe me? Read on.
Whether your a freelance wedding photographer, an animation studio, producer or graphic designer, chances are you manage the following:
- Tasks — you have things to do and you probably needed them done yesterday.
- Projects — you have bigger projects that have deadlines
- Clients — the people who pay you for what you do
- Files — you have lots of them, you share them, clients ask for them at stpid times
The challenge is to balance all of those whilst still producing quality work AND getting paid appropriately for the work you do.
It’s a juggling act, but Hassl is here to help.
Here’s how:
- Create and manage tasks
- Plan projects
- Manage clients
- Manage and share files in one place
- Easily collaborate on creative projects
- No more emails!
And it’s simple enough that my Nanna could use it.
So let’s dive in.

Create and manage tasks
Probably the most rudimentary yet most essential part of a project management tool is the ability to … uhh manage tasks.
- Create milestones (Task groups)
- Add tasks, set due dates and estimate hours
Now you can stay on track and stop yourself from feeling overwhelmed or procrastinating.

Plan Projects
Big projects take a lot of time to plan and often it’s the hardest part. Using timelines can help you see what needs to be done when and how the project looks as a whole.
- Once you add in your tasks and milestones, simple click timeline and it will turn your tasks into a fully-fledged Gantt Chart!

Manage Clients
One of the hardest and most time-consuming parts of working in a creative industry is dealing with clients. Especially when there are rounds and rounds of feedback. With Hassl, you can add your clients into the app and communicating directly within your projects; share files, chat, comment on tasks. This means you can stop sending all of those time-wasting emails and your clients can access their files on their own!
- Add clients to your projects as guests (Free and unlimited)
- Collaborate, chat, provide feedback and share files all within Hassl
- No more emails!

Manage and share files
Are you sick of having to send files to a client via email, wetransfer, Google Drive or Dropbox? And then the client loses them and sends you an email on Friday afternoon asking for the files again? Yeah, it’s the worst.
Say goodbye to all of that nonsense with Hassl.
- Upload all of your files to your client’s project
- Invite your clients as guests so they can log in and access everything on their own terms
- Send files via chat and upload to tasks for instant feedback
Whether you are working as a freelancer, in a small team or as an agency; Hassl is a great tool to manage your creative projects, clients and team members. And it’s only $6 a month!
Start your 30-day free trial today.